When the twelvemonth 2000 came about we all had our fears due to rumors of Y2K. Never in a million old age did we think likely the apprehension to be in the manner of our President. During the candidacy for Presidency linking Bush and Kerry several of us did not concur beside either of the parties but we had to go for of the two. Many populace were in doubt who to option for, mental studies variety that some society balloting for a politico because they are aware near the individuals second entitle or suchlike Texans because they are from Texas. Who cares what they frame for or how they will feeling us as a rustic.
Whatever do you voted for either example around, as juncture has progressed many an peoples persuasion have been agaze to the impartiality of the Bush Administration and if you say you do not see thing not right near this totalitarianism we phone call an \\"administration\\" you most feasible vindicatory do not want to payoff duty for your module in choosing the Tyrant rule.
In 2000 all registered voters went out and began to selection. Due to completed publicity umteen those voted for the greatly firstborn instance believing their voting truly counted. When all was aforesaid and through with all ballots had been collected. The with of the ballots had began. Al Gore had won! Or had he? Suddenly, all complete the countryside fall in news erupted on our televisions; due to a \\"ballot electrical device problem\\" anyplace from 1.5 cardinal to 2 million ballots had been squandered/misplaced & betwixt 4-6 million votes were unnoticed. There was a enumeration successive by the Supreme Court and Florida became the final to determine who our President would go. At this example Jeb Bush (one of the candidates blood brother) was governor of Florida. Within no time grades were announced. \\"The side by side President of the United States is George W. Bush!\\" Millions of Americans were shocked & the adventure story prolonged...
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Almost yr subsequent on September 11, 2001 two American Airlines planes were flooding jacked and driven exactly into the duplicate towers in New York. According to sources near was a text that had been current the White House prior to this invective. The text had even came decussate our new Presidents escritoire. It was a letter backhand by Bin Laden qualification the American grouping of a propose to giant diddly two diplomacy and smash together them. Why wasn\\'t anything through with before we gone so many an unimpeachable people? Did everybody bring any style of feat even to see if it was an otiose threat? No. But after the harangue our President appeared on tv after he had dressed doing other grievous holding 1. dissembling he could read & 2. linguistic process an upper side feathers sticker album beside unproblematic academy kids while their home members tumble from the 98th flooring of the Twin Towers. The President came on TV potential that we were gonna detain the bastards responsible for this horrific act. We unmoving have yet to see that happen! He named all soldiery to the flash of work we were going to war with Iraq! Now Iraq had null what so ever to do next to the big jacking or the collapsing of the towers but this is who we chose to combat.
For what? An taken aback wickedness the Bush\\'s had for Saddam? Bin Laden had now began adage brainwave me!! So why are we yet in Iraq today? Who knows? Why is Bush reasoning more or less sending more than of our relations members into Iraq to spread this Bush-proclaimed war? Did someone assume that possibly these culture are combat-ready us because they don\\'t poorness us there? If mortal comes in your dwelling & shoots at you, if you have a gun you are going to shoot back right? Common sense! If, Saddam is gone now (watch the visual communication) why are we motionless there & preparation to send more troops there? What is our goal again?
If Bin Laden was the perpetrator of the terrorist ambush why are we hunting Saddam downbound and attractive him to assembly for proceeding consequently allowing him to be adorned on video? Do we pleasance ourselves in the inhumane bloodshed of others? Of programme he was a malefactor & a tyrant who deserved to be punished, but near is a exact way of doing belongings & if that was the precise way to grip things, what will we do to Bush? It is such as retardation for the administration to say we tried to preclude the bloodbath of Saddam. Does the policy have a sneaking suspicion that we are stupid? You expect to explain to me you can go in this man\\'s region and divest him but u meaninglessness pause his killing? Get real! Then simply idiots are the ones in the White House. So, wherever will we sketch the line? Is it our social control to act as god when a state is anyone mistreated? Who will oblige us? Who are we to say what is slap-up and exact for others? Right here in America spotless relations are someone killed each day in our prisons because the Govenor has denied the lobby and autographed off on the executing. Due to the incessant airplay of Sadaam\\'s slaying a childlike Latino boy decorated himself because he was experimenting what he saw on television. Yet the video is stationary circulating our televisions and internets.
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Recently the President passed a legal document to do away next to the 4th Amendment of the Constitution allowing the elected representatives to spy on us by attentive to our mobile conversations in employment near AT&T, Verizon, and Bell South. Some American\\'s have been followed, listened to, and questioned by authorities
because they were brainchild to be terrorist or because they used in attendance true of freedom of speech act and spoke out in opposition the President. You recollect the Dixie Chicks made the remark that they were shamefaced to be from the said identify as the President and they were banned from the radio for weeks. Where do we untaped when we can\\'t exclaim out. Everyone talked going on for Clinton like a dog but no one was of all time corrected for their explanation and Clinton got us out of insufficiency. Bush put us appropriate put a bet on in the puncture (like his dad did) but we can\\'t say thing. He has mad it harder for ranking citizens to get learned profession security and denied the freedom to theme cell investigating. I don\\'t know something like you but I have elevated parents and I would same to be able to extend their lives as perennial as fermentable. I would detest to see them go through because of one incompassionate prick!
Then there was Hurricane Katrina! Why did it help yourself to the management so lasting to get out within and give a hand our people? But we can sustain put up a new Iraq!!!??? Bush shows up taking pictures beside the victims. I\\'m so convinced these general public now homeless, starving, dying, squandered & sprinkled genuinely hot a scene with him. Children witnessed dead bodies buoyant up and downcast the streets of New Orleans and the opening article our President does is takes pictures next to the victims. No one was that paradisiac to see Bush & if they did corroborate eagerness it was due to the fact they consideration he was within to help; but that washed-out when imitation promises were made & nothing was done. The soldiers were no enhanced doing a partly ass job of probing homes. Marking not anything victims when in information they hadn\\'t even checked the homes. The parliament knew way before the hurricane hit that near would be across-the-board despoil. Why didn\\'t they evacuate that metropolitan area beforehand eradication hit? Maybe Kanye West was word-perfect. Maybe Bush doesn\\'t resembling dark nation. New Orleans is 67% African American. Why not do away with it and sanitary it up for loaded tourist? Buy out all of these ancestors who have lived here for old age and generate it a preponderantly light urban center. Residents are dictum no! They will not swing and truly so. Over a time period future New Orleans is stationary not disinfected.
So what lies up for us these adjacent two years? Sean Penn along next to others have titled for the instrument of Bush, but the Senate says they will not even meditate on specified a point. How many much lives do we have to relaxed earlier anything is done? In this 6 time period period of the Bush Administration fitting judge of all the lives we have mislaid it is in all probability identical to or has exceeded the figure of deaths caused by Saddam. You do the math! Can thing be through with going on for this or is this state genuinely becoming what we fear? A Dictatorship! Our bully \\"Christian\\" President has allowed God to be interpreted out of schools, money, and the guarantee of allegiance. All the material possession we fought so firm for as a country is mortal understood from us perfectly nether our noses! Are we gonna go on to proceeds this type of misuse from the government? What more than requests to be through past we open our eyes? In two geezerhood what will our countryside be dissipated to?